Report to:

Salcombe Harbour Board


20 March 2023


Harbour Master’s Report

Portfolio Area:

Salcombe Harbour

Wards Affected:


Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Urgent Decision:


Approval and clearance obtained:





Cameron Sims-Stirling


Harbour Master


Tel. 01548 843791




That the Board RESOLVES to note and endorse the content of the Harbour Master’s report.




1.  Executive summary


1.1 This report updates the board on a number of recent issues affecting the Harbour. The report updates on a service performance, major projects and any other issues which impact upon the Harbour.



2.  2023/2024 Projects & Procurement



2.1    Batson Commercial Units & Harbour Depot.


2.1.1   The Commercial Units are due for completion around the end of March with works currently focused upon constructing the far retaining wall and addressing residual defects. SHDC estates are aware of this programme and are in contact with the prospective tenants.


2.1.2 With a new ground worker having been recently appointed the SHDC / SHA project team has been continuing to stress the importance of maximising the Harbour Deport progress over the next three weeks. Works are focused upon the completion of any residual ground works and ensuring business continuity is addressed in advance of the attendant’s hut being demolished.  


Given the constant challenges faced by the Contractor in meeting any programme the SHDC / SHA project team are now holding daily calls with the Contractor to identify issues and provide the best platform for short term deliverables to be met. These deliverables currently include the expectation that the remaining ground works, roof replacement and scaffold removal will be completed before the May bank holiday.



2.2    Security


2.2.1 The external security contract has not been put forward for procurement from 1st April 2023. The service will be provided in house as a combined approach to improve presence afloat, education, stakeholder engagement, security and byelaw enforcement. This will include funding for new CCTV and safety projects.


The mooring officer team will provide this following an internal restructure and backfilling recruitment.



2.3    Staff structure


2.3.1 As proposed during the January Harbour Board Workshop a submission had been put to SHDC to restructure certain roles, partly driven by the changes to security above. HR have approved the below configuration.



Internal recruitment and interview process has taken place for the Senior Moorings Officer appointment and the successful candidate is Sam Viles. We are now advertising externally to backfill his Moorings Officer role.



2.4    5 Year Plan


2.4.1 No further update at this time.



2.5    Carbon neutral


2.5.1 SHDC’s Climate and Biodiversity target includes for carbon emissions to hit net zero for the organisation by 2030. Projects looking to tackle SHA emissions are being resourced through the Council’s UKSPF programme.  A Marine Projects Officer role is out to the market so as to drive forward works streams including the marine fleet, lower ferry and visitor emissions.


The carbon footprint of SHA marine assets has been assessed by the Carbon Trust, report attached in Appendix 1.


In parallel with this, SHA is looking to invest in promoting carbon capture and increasing biodiversity both within the harbour and the local area by comparing our footprint against protecting/enhancing the natural carbon sinks within our estuary and other avenues such as planting trees. Below is a provisional outline of part of this work. We are currently in talks to survey our eelgrass beds, especially where we have seen expansion beyond previous survey data. Various stakeholders have also been involved in a plan to reinstall advanced mooring systems to help protect areas of the seabed from the working scope of a traditional chain arrangement, with funding offered to help facilitate installation and ongoing maintenance.


A report will be brought back to this committee in 2023 setting out the opportunities for offsetting within the SHA context. 



2.6 Mini-digger


2.6.1   To assist with small scale shoreside and foreshore maintenance duties SHA have purchased a 1.5t tracked excavator capable of being deployed by road or barge.



3.  Performance Indicators


The Harbour Board endorsed the introduction of a set of Performance Indicators (PIs) and to have them reported as a standing agenda item (SH 26/06). The Performance Indicators (PI’s) are presented in a seasonal format and will expand and demonstrate patterns going forward with both our summer and winter PI’s.


Please see Appendix 1 + 2



3.1    Appendix 2 – Winter PI’s.

Appendix 1 shows the harbour has satisfied most of its normal winter performance markers. Mooring maintenance is now in the ‘spring cleaning’ stage as opposed to the physical checking and changing of mooring components. The workshop team are now focussing on launching Zone 1 boats before the Easter holidays and handing back the majority of the car park and boat park to normal operations. Refitting of the harbour launches will continue in the background to enable the staggered deployment of vessels as the season progresses.



3.2    Appendix 3 - Facility Turnover.

Appendix 2 reflects in what areas our facilities are being given up and reallocated and should aid us in the future to make informed decisions on any further projects. Of particular note, as per last year, a number of facilities have been removed for non-payment of SHDC Council Tax, as opposed to having been relinquished as no longer required. 2 facilities were mooring licences which have now become harbour moorings.  On average this year we have seen approx. 3.5% of all facilities being relinquished which is an improvement on last year. This is particularly evident in the number of dinghy storage and foreshore connected pontoon facilities turned over, however some have been removed for the non-payment of council tax. The turnover of other facilities is about the same as in previous years. Over the last three years we have allocated all facilities in the harbour, in comparison to previously having unallocated foreshore facilities at Newbridge and Frogmore.



3.3    Options available and consideration of risk.

Monitor and report; periodically review PIs for their utility.



3.4    Proposed Way Forward.

Continue monitoring PIs with regular reports back to the Board.



4. Staff Training


4.1    As part of our compliance to the Oil Pollution Prevention Preparedness, Response and Cooperation convention SHA have just completed and passed the three yearly Incident Management Exercise where tier 2 equipment is deployed in cooperation with other response teams and stakeholders, reacting to a locally viable spill scenario.

Oil spill 4P refresher training has also been completed by both Deputy Harbour Masters.

Other staff will be engaged in external training directly through work or with associated organisations where training can be of benefit to the harbour, such as

Ashford’s Enforcement training and RNLI Advanced Engineering Courses.

Plant Training will also be required for the use of our mini digger.



5. Implications





Details and proposed measures to address




The Pier and Harbour (Salcombe) Confirmation Order 1954.




Any financial implications arising from this report will be funded from the General (Revenue Account) Reserve under delegated authority.




None directly arising from this report.

Supporting Corporate Strategy


None directly arising from this report.

Climate Change – Carbon / Biodiversity Impact


None directly arising from this report.

Comprehensive Impact Assessment Implications


Equality and Diversity



None directly arising from this report. 





None directly arising from this report.

Community Safety, Crime and Disorder



None directly arising from this report.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing


None directly arising from this report.


Other implications


None directly arising from this report.



Supporting Information


Background Papers: Appendix 1, 2 and 3.